Sunday, February 27, 2011


Have you ever had one of those day's where you are like "That is so not my best work?"

That is how I felt last week when I left Amor Spiritual Center last Sunday after having bronchitis for a couple of weeks and just not feeling 100%.  I felt as though that was the worst talk I have ever given.  The truth is it may have been the shortest I have given for sure; yet I know it was just what was needed.  I talked about calling things into our life and how we deal with it once there.  It is so very easy to look at things like not feeling well and ask the why and how questions we all ask.  Somewhere around mid week, I stopped and asked myself, "Who cares about the why and how, the important question now is what do I want in this moment in time?"   I don't know about anyone else but it can be so easy to get caught up in the why, how, who, etc and just feel so bogged down.  

One of my favorite stories I like to share is when I was diagnosed with cancer.  It was a moment of complete surrender; not just from fear.  I had been around New Thought long enough to know that the best practice for now is being in the present moment as it is and accept it as it is.  Once there, I can set an intention for where I want to go.  I also know today that whatever arises in my daily life is here to serve me for my highest and best.  I have be to honest that it took me a couple dozen times (maybe even a million) to get to that space and it is easy from time to time to fall back into the old BS (belief system) from time to time.  

Funny how I plotted a course for perfect health when I found out about the cancer and then some months later to find out I had another kind of cancer was one of those moments when I had to take a moment,  I then accepted once again and continued on my path to perfect health.  I was laughing at myself this last week when I was "grumpy" about having bronchitis.  Talk about putting things in perspective, isn't it funny how we can blow things out of proportion?  It is like one of those saying my mom uses: "You're making a mountain our of mole hill." Have you ever seen those mole hills?  They're HUGHE I tell you, HUGHE.  (Laughing at myself again, humor is a wonderful thing.)  

Today I know that I can choose to look at anything in my life anyway I choose too.  I can play the victim; or I can accept, bless, and let it go knowing that everything is here from my good (and most of all my happiness has nothing to do with any of that!)  Happiness is an inside job, and it is all my work.  So go out and have a good laugh at yourself.  Enjoy the day and remember that it is "ALL GOOD".

I love you 
Rev. Allen