Sunday, June 5, 2011

What Is Standing In The Way Of Your "Joyful Living?"

I am reading this wonderful book "The gifts of Imperfection" by Brene` Brown and it is so funny to me that I started not to read it just because of the title.  Being a new thought minister I am very mindful of my wording, yet I want to share this story with you.  I  know today more than ever we are divinely guided.  I turned on the TV to see one of my favorite PBS shows and instead they were having a fund drive for PBS and the focus speaker was Brene`, the title of the book come up and at first, my "judgement" on the wording of the title showed up.  I shifted and listened to what it was she was saying rather than what I was chosing to hear.  I really enjoyed her thoughts on the matter and decided to order the book.  It arrived and was added to the books Spirit suggested I take on.  This last week I went to visit my parents and I had the real urge from Spirit to take this book along.  Learning that when that still small voices speaks it really is the voice of The Divine, I listened.  While I was there visiting, I started reading and I was amazed at the "PERFECTNESS"  of it all.  The book speaks about how we do the "hustle" to fit in, and how we can often assess a situation and become what others want us to be rather than live authentic lives.  (think about this for a moment I am at my parents home, with my parents)  

I begin to laugh at the DIVINE order of it all and how when I trust Spirit it is a magical journey regardless of the destination.  l will say that this book and the fact that I meditated for hours while at my parents' house allowed me to live my life, and not the life that I thought would make everyone else happy.  I shared myself, my view, and was open and honest.  I listened with compassion and understanding, rather than judgement and ego.  I realized that when I love who I am and live my life I set others free to do the same.  I also remember one of my new beliefs, that I am responsible of my happiness and everyone else is responsible for theirs.  I felt free and was able to spend time with my family while remembering who I was and that 'I LOVE BEING ME!'  

The more of the book I read the more I am really enjoying it.  It is really looking at what we allow to get in our way of living the life we want to live, filled with joy, peace, understanding, compassion, and LOVE.  The very word "imperfection" that almost caused me not to read the book is the very word that I am currently looking at my hidden beliefs around.  I am reminded of a Conscious Choice meeting we had where we discussed the "power of words"  and the fact that words are just words "we" give them power.  Most often it is because we have a hidden belief around them.  For me I am realizing that my constant drive for PERFECTION is standing in the way of my living a joy filled life.  I have discovered a hidden believe that states "When I am perfect, others will love and approve of me." I was able while on my visit to arrive at a place of inner peace and realize I LOVE and Approve of myself and that is all that really matters in my world.  I am reminded of another quote from Wayne Dyer that states "What you think of me is none of my business.  I realize today that what you think of me is only true when I choose to believe it and give it power.  


I love you 
Rev. Allen