Sunday, July 10, 2011

If You Will Give Me a Sense of Security I am Willing to Stay Anywhere.

I am reading this wonderful book "The Gift of Imperfection" by Berne` Brown and it has really started me thinking on a deeper level.  She speaks about our quest to "fit in" and the need for a sense of belonging, and I love what I am gaining from this reading.  As a life coach I get the pleasure of standing with folks in their dreams, and holding them at their highest and best.  What I am finding true for myself as I work with others is that the book "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale is showing up in my life in a very real way.  He speaks about Hooponopono which is a ancient Hawaiian teaching in which we speak to the Divine knowingness of our love, we speak to it about our sorrow for anything we have done to harm it, we ask it for forgiveness and thank it for that Grace of forgiveness.  The gift of this teaching is that anyone who brings something into our life is really allowing us the opportunity to heal it within our own life and consciousness and therefore heal it within the ONE consciousness.  
What does all of that mean, right?  I find that the quest for the "holy grail", if you would, is the desire to have a true sense of security in life.  After all is that what life partners, marriage, family, having children, contracts, wills, paychecks, and partnerships is really all about?  It is this promise that you will honor me and stay with me forever.  A promise to keep me at my current place of security or better for the remainder of time.  I find that we put a great deal of work into the promise and once signed we go on with life knowing we have a "base line" if you would.  What I find as we create the "safe" bet, the status quo, we often times stay in the same space going around in circles rather than going into the unknown.  
What is it about the unknown that is so scary anyway?  When I think about it, it really is all about fear; that I might fail, or let's be honest, I might succeed.  That I might have to expand and you know once you expand "what will I do then?"  Heaven forbid I keep expanding.  So I find it easy at times to run to the edge and then back to safety of my sense of security of the status quo.  Let me say right here that if that is working for you continue on that path.  What I am finding for myself is that is not the path I came here in this physical form to experience.  I came here to LOVE and live out loud. Wow, do I have some stories of how that has looked in the past that could most likely curl your hair.  I have always been the person who lives outside the box in day to day life.  What I am noticing is that I still wanted that sense of security.  The ol’ safety net if you would.  What if I tapped in to my Divine consciousness and trusted Divine Spirit to be that sense of security and live the life I come here to live?  WHAT, and not have a written contract?  I mean with my honey I have a paper that says we are beloved forever.  We have a 30 year mortgage that says we will be together for the next 30 year at least.  
What if I trusted the Divine to take me from Success to Success, and that I was the "Light" in the unknown places and that the unknown was my friend wanting to build a loving and fulfilling life together.  That the moment I trust it to be for my best and walk in with my eyes open I would experience the joy of ME.   Knowing how the law of attractions works I know that is exactly what I would find.  I am not suggestion that we don't build healthy relationship and love our way through life.  I am suggesting that we don't sign on the dotted line and then quit living.  Remember this, all contracts end, folks. Transition, we all expand one way or another, so let’s get to living and know that our paths are full of Love, adventure and "Belonging" to the DIVINE.  
I love you 
Rev. Allen