Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Contrast What Does It Mean?

I was speaking with a friend this week, and in that conversation we spoke about the things that are coming up in our lives.  What does this mean, and why is it here?  You know those things that cause you to think and feel something; the things that cause you to have a difference of opinions from someone else, or the bonding moment when you find someone who feels the same about a subject as you do. 

As I sat listening to my friend this thought come to me, "Isn't this what we have been treating for in our lives?"  Have we not been asking for a space of clarity  on this subject matter?  And, with the "contrast" does it not give us a clearer understanding of what we want and where we are heading?  That thought connected to the thought:  How many times in my life has something showed up I perceive as a challenge, only to have it transform the way I look at something I have been working on in a new light?  A light that opens up the door in a new direction, and thus creating a new path.  

How many times have I asked for love in my life, only to find the area within myself  that I didn't love?  I love this quote "I am the love I'm looking for".  Yet for the longest time I would look at myself in the mirror and say things to myself that did not represent love in the least.  "Ah ha" in order to draw "Love" in I have to be a vibrational match to that which I am asking for!   I was in the words of the song "looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces."  The love I was looking for was looking at me in the mirror all along.  

How often have I chosen to look for someone or something to give me what I think is missing in my life, only to recognize that no one can give me anything that I don't feel I am worth. That contrast along the way helped me see myself for who I really am; that which I came here to be, LOVE.
That contrast helped me find the launching pad for Self Love, knowing that "that which I give out returns to me multiplied."  

With that in mind today I look at "contrast" with gratitude knowing it to be he beginning of the manifestation process I need to allow in that which I have asked for.

I love you 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Is The Lesson?

How many times have I heard myself say"I wish I could take this from you"?
How often do I take on others work in order for their life, or mine, to be "better"?
Who actually gets to decide what is better?

One of the greatest lessons I am learning in life is that my work is my work. Someone else can do it for me, in hopes that I won't have to.  Yet in the end the lesson is my lesson and I have to do the work.  As I take these courses of higher learning there has been the desire to audit this or that class in order to get to the higher level.  Yet I find myself enrolled in the classes that are mine to attend. Far too often I have been so attached to the cause rather than the lesson. I often miss the core reason for the class in the beginning.  I found this passage in "The Dream Book" by Bethards this morning and the following passages really spoke to me.  

"Life is school; we are here only to learn and grow.  We are taught by all people and all situations.  Be enthusiastic; we are going to go through it anyway.  Lessons never change until you learn them, so might as well get in and work through them NOW".  

How often I have asked myself what the heck is going on and have I not already taken this class before? Don't I have the degree to  prove it? How easy it is to be so caught up in anger, fear, bitterness, revenge, and hurt, to miss the lesson.  Love, I find is the answer to the questions in life.  Will revenge in this situation change what happened?  Will bitterness help me sleep any better at night?  Will anger help me to release all this energy I have tied up inside and pick up the goodness that is always around me at any given point?  In those times I have acted out on the need to be angry, bitter, or take revenge did it make me feel any better?  If so, is that what I want to send out into the world knowing that whatever I send out comes back to me?

I was talking with a friend this week about playing "God" and so often I have decide that what I want can't happen so I choose not to even try and call it in.  Let us step for a moment into our "history class" of all those things we have called in. What have we called in that didn't happen, and how many times when we did our work, did  we find the thing we were asking for all along?  Yet we keep postponing the lesson in hopes it will go away.  I don't know about your history, but I find that by the time it circles around again it has picked up momentum and the lesson is even LARGER. 

Be enthusiastic, we never get it all done, we might as well enjoy the ride. 

I love you 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's In My Toolbox?

I've always been one of those "folks" that likes to tinker with things around the house.  There is the feeling you get when you know you have the right tool for the job, it's this "ah, I know how to do this", or "I got this".  

This thought started me thinking. What is in my spiritual toolbox, ( know you all saw that coming, right)?

BUT, really, what do I have in my spiritual toolbox?

Conscious Choice Group
Mind Treatment 
Self Help Books
Journal Writing 

These are just a few of the many things I can find at my finger tips.

The next question will be in what shape are my tools.  Do I care for them and keep them clean, ready to use and always close at hand. Or do I have to ask where did I put that Journal. What are the questions I'm to ask myself when Visioning?  I find that when I do Energy work on a daily basis it changes my life.  So does eating ICE CREAM, and yet I choose to make eating ice cream so much more fun.  Why is that?  What is the thought behind, underneath, and around, myself and how I care for myself?  Rather than choosing to go into beat up, I'm learning to pick up a tool from my toolbox, dust it off if needed and get going.   I realize today I can choose ice cream, and yet there is not that external pleasure in saying I didn't know what else to do.  Today I know that I have a choice and no matter which I choose I am responsible and all is well. 

Where am I going with all of this, in this NOW moment?  Check to see what you have in your toolbox, how's it working for you?  Some tools may need replacing, while others may be the perfect fit.

In any case PRACTICE makes tinkering and Spiritual work so much more fun.

I love you 

The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Are You Holding?

In Meditation the other day this was the thought that came to mind.  
What are you holding, and what is the unwillingness to pick up the joy of the moment?
First of all I know today through my work with Ho’oponopono that whatever comes to me is mine to heal, clean and clear.  I was speaking with a friend the other day about feelings and friendship.  I know as we make our way in any relationship we bump up against ourselves from time to time.  I often make the joke that I get along with my family beautifully because we live on different coasts.  My truth today is that I know when someone brings something to me and asks for treatment or energy work I give thanks for the opportunity to heal that within myself, knowing that once it is cleared in the mind of one it is clear in the mind of the whole.  ONE MIND.
So I meditated on friendship and what kind of friend am I?  
I have had the honor over the last year to bump up against a couple of my closest friends and I know in the past I might have handled it a different way.  In the ones that  are coming to mind I sat and talked with them and shared what was coming up for me and that I needed time to process.  It was my intention to resolve this and continue on in the friendships knowing that this was growth and taking us to a new level of love and understanding with each other.  I still needed time to work this out.  I continued to show up and love and after a few months I realized that the friendship was more loving than ever.  We had made it through and our friendship was transformed.   On a road trip recently I looked over at this one friend and stated I love who we are and that we were willing to stand in the friendship and let go of the past anger to get to the JOY of today.  
A few days later I received a call from a friend who wanted to ask some questions about our friendship, and asked me some pointed questions.  I love the opportunity to look at myself and who I am so I took this on with deep feelings.  After sometime I realized that we had brushed up against something as well and that I had pulled back to look at who I was in the friendship and what my expectations where.  This time of pulling back had really hurt my friend.  I also took the time to look at where we were today, and I was so very happy to have this friend in my life and the love and light they give.  I realized that they had been hurt in the process and that was never my intention, yet I needed to honor my need to look at my part in all of this.  
It was in that moment that I realized how many times I have held on to past hurt and missed the JOY of the present moment.    I had Chosen to stay in the hurt rather than remember why I loved you in the first place and why I love at all.  Am I loving you for what you give me or am I loving you because I recognize the divine in you?  In the clearing and cleaning process have I really laid down the past and picked up the present of the NOW moment?  If not, did that have anything to do with my friend or everything to do with my thought process?  And, knowing how the law works, was I not just inviting more of the same hurt in?
Today I recognize that we all have our journey to take, and how much I love walking with my friends.  I also know that the relationship I have with myself is most important and that I am responsible for my happiness, and love.  Placing this on someone else is placing that outside of the divine in me as me.  I also realized that I am a great friend and I am willing to stand for friendship, love, and in order to do that I have to love who I see in the mirror.  
At that moment I realized the joy of living in the NOW!!!!  For NOW is all we really have.
I love you Allen