I have always loved Thanksgiving for many reasons, one of which it is a time
where celebrating "Giving" comes from a personal space. It is not so focused on
gifts exchange but more about sharing what we have right now. It is a time for
us to recall all the things we are "Thankful" for. This is a great time of the
year here in the Northwest as winter shows up in it's splendor; snow capped
mountains, a clean-clear chill in the air, and this year's abundance of snow. I
remember when I was a child, I loved the rare South Georgia winters where we
would get snow and didn't have to go to school. Funny how things change as we
age, isn't it? With all the snow, it brought about so many shifts in folks
travel plans, as well as day to day life. I love how as a child we see
adventure in everything, yet as an adult we look on it so very differently; why
is that?
Yesterday when I was sharing a treatment with a friend I became very grateful
for the abundance of snow as it reminded me that "Source" is ready at any time
to give me all that I can ask for an more. Yet most often I allow something to
separate me from that abundance. It may be a lack of mentality or some old
belief that says I am not good enough, or worthy of it. Yet the abundance is
still there waiting for me to pick it up. Let's think for a moment that snow
represented the thing you are looking for in your life at this moment. Would
you rush out side giving thanks for the abundance and scoop up as much as you
could; would you think it is going to melt and go away as everything thing else
does in life, or perhaps stay inside and say it is to cold to go outside?
So many times we choose to cut ourselves off from the thing we are for the most;
be it Love, Abundance, Happiness, or Joy for one reason or another. This is the
perfect time to look around and see where you have abundance in your life and
share that with others. Let go of what others think of you and just dance as if
no one is looking. Just close your eyes where you are right now put on your
favorite music, and DANCE. Get you body moving and allow the freedom to allow
you to laugh out loud at yourself. Take the time to tell someone that you love
why you love them, and why you are thankful they are in your life. You never
know how much your words can BLESS someone else's life. If you are here in the
Northwest go outside and play in the snow like you did when you were a child and
give thanks for the abundance and the reminder that it is always present and all
we have to do it pick it up.
LIVE, LOVE, PLAY and be THANKFUL for all that you have and watch it increase.
I love you
Rev. Allen
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