What is space? Last night my honey and I watched a PBS special on space and the
question was raised that if you took every atom out of it what would it be? I
loved the fact that many thought it to be nothingness. I liked even more that
the scientist that were looking into it stated they were still discovering what
space is. They went on to say that they were unable to at this moment say what
it is; but that is was indeed something. "SOMETHING" I love that word. I have
so often used it to describe that very thing that I couldn't understand.
Something told me to take that path, something didn't' feel right about the
process so I chose not to do it. What is the something of life?
In the PBS program last night space was the thing that holds all things, yet
gives them freedom to move and expand. Space moves, ripples, expands, bends,
and takes on the shape of that which is put into it. Let's think about this for
a moment; space is the substance that holds all things, and moves, and bends
with us as we expand and grow. Sounds like The Divine to me. Space is another
word for Spirit, God, Allah, Ganesha, Buddha, Jesus, mother nature..etc. We all
have our own understanding and word we use to describe that space we can't
I love the fact that space is the holder of all things. I would even push the
envelope one step further to ask if our knowingness of the planets out there was
not the very thing that created and call them into manifestation. When I think
about the fact that "Space" holds the universe together each and everyday and
allows it to move and have its very being with ease and grace, then how simple
must it be for "space" to hold what I am asking for and make it manifest as
well. Some may ask why I would replace God with space? I would say I did not I
just expanded my understanding of what I know the Divine to be. With out end,
and that is indeed my life now.
I love you
Rev. Allen
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