Friday, November 20, 2015

One Foot in Yesterday and One Foot in Tomorrow

Day 59 Death:

How I do my work and live my life has a profound impact on everyone and everything around me. Just as in nature the ending or the closing of one life experience is the beginning of the jumping off place for a new way of life.

This morning I was thinking about the various times in our lives that we transition from one experience to the other. As young children we start out as infants, grow into toddlers, and then into preschool. That is where for many of us that life really begins to have a speedy transformation or transition in our lives. We go from kindergarten to elementary school, then middle school, and finally high school. For or a great many of us we then continue on to higher education in life. Each step along that journey can be monumental and frightening. Yet for most of us we just recognize it as growth. Many of us look on as an adventure, the anticipation or anxious awaiting to be a certain age. One of my greatest memories was being in middle school having this intense desire to be 16 years old so I could drive a car. Growing up in the role community as I did allow me the luxury of driving my dad's 65 Chevrolet around the farm to water the plants and do my chores. Yet, there was this excitement about being able to travel the roads of life without any supervision or restrictions.

Each step of our life is a jumping off place for the next. I recognize that going from elementary school to middle school and then to high school was for me a traumatic experience due to the life lessons that I had opted to learn. So much of life we spend trying to place the learning experience outside of ourselves when in fact we are the ones who are choosing the lessons that we wish to intergrade and learn in life. Each and every experience I've had along this journey of life have led me to this understanding of who I am today. Have there been spots along this journey when I question what was I thinking when I asked to learn this new aspect or new behavior? A great deal of my life I lived from the perspective that I had absolutely no control over how these life lessons would emerge are intergrate themselves into my life. Today, I understand at a deeper core level that I am constantly sending out signals to the world. Each one of those signals is like a golden invitation to a party. We do this at a subconscious level for as long as we need to, and then we'd transform that experience into the recognition that we are responsible for our movement into the world.

This movement or growth at the onset feels challenging and yet somewhere in the middle we begin to recognize and realize that we needed this experience or understanding to help propel us forward. Many times in life we sit in fear worriing about what's coming next missing the opportunity to live fully in this moment experiencing it just as it is. Far too often I think we spend time worrying about the future, or living in past experience and we miss the experience of now. When I think about it in another perspective, I think about the various modes of transportation we have in this great experience of life. We start out in carriages, move to tricycles, bicycles, school buses, our first car, our dream car, and finally a hearst. Some people may not experience all of those rides and yet each step of the way we all learn the lessons we are here to learn.

We can spend all of our time worrying and wondering about what's coming next. The gift that I'm learning most effectively through this work with "Seasons of Change" is that when I am fully present here and now I see the miraculous expression of life happening around me at every turn. I recognize through this work with nature the evolutionary process that each step is a building block for what's next. I can choose at any moment to spend my time building a proper foundation for what is coming next, or I can live in fear. When I spend all of my time living fully building an amazing foundation for my life each step then becomes a building block of what is next and that is sure to bring transformation and beauty. I can spend my time with one foot in the past and one foot in the future peeing all over today. Either way the choice is mine. 
I love you, 
Thank you, 
Rev Allen 

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