Friday, March 4, 2016

Restoration through Self Love

Day 81 Restoration:

We have within us all that is needed to transform any situation into a joyous experience. This line sums up one of the restorative beliefs that I hold true. In today's society, it is not difficult to get lost in my need for financial restoration or the complexity behind wanting something to be different than it currently is. I read a quote yesterday"When you experience fear about not having enough money, you emanate a vibration that prevents you from receiving what you are asking for." We can substitute anything we like in that sentence and find a deep hidden truth. How often does my feeling of "lack" create the very thing that I'm thinking about at a deeper level? How many times have we ask ourselves why we can't find someone when we are single or we feel alone? I believe most often we place our focus on what is missing, rather than where we want to be.

There was a time in my life when I was very single and felt little to no hope around finding love in my life ever again. You can imagine of course that I created a life of loneliness and made this fear a reality. I read book after book on how to have a healthy relationship. How to create the perfect love in my life, and yet I remained single.

Why is that? I kept my focus on what was missing.

Imagine my surprise when I started celebrating the love for others relationships, and begin loving and valuing the relationship that I had with myself. I found myself surrounded by people who wanted to date, and be in a relationship with me. I had shifted the focus from "lack", or what was missing to realizing the brilliance and greatness that I held within. Was my work complete? For me it was the beginning of the restoration process of my life.

Most if not all of my life I have based my value in the world on whether I was in a relationship or not. You can imagine the impact that had on my life. If I was single I was worthless and unlovable, and if I was in a relationship I should do everything within my power to keep love alive. You can't imagine the amount of times that I would look for a new relationship before the last one ended. Learning to love myself was the greatest restorative quality I have gained throughout my life. It is a subject that I think should be taught in every school system throughout the universe. We are often taught to look outside of ourselves for approval, success, and love.

The moment we have knowledge of our inner strength, and our inner beauty is the moment that we have a great spiritual awakening. For most of my life, I looked to an outside source for completion. I learned this in a very early age from religious teachings. I heard most of my childhood that I was unworthy, and one of my favorites "a filthy rag" in the sight of this creative intelligence. It was only when I began to recognize that I am a brilliant and beautiful expression of this love that I began to understand that there was nothing missing inside of me. I was created by my very nature to be complete. That I am an integral part of the make of this creative intelligence and there is no reason to diminish who I am. In fact when I recognize the greatness of who I am. I am literally creating the freedom for others to love themselves.

For most of my life, I didn't feel as if I had the right to love myself. In fact, I believed that it was immoral, egotistical, selfish, and unholy to love myself. Yes, it wasn't until I went into this deep soul-searching pilgrimage that I refer to as cancer that I discovered it was the old beliefs that I was allowing to consume me from within. The moment that I changed my consciousness around hating who I was inside two loving who I was inside the healing started instantaneous. Was it an overnight miracle? My answer is yes. It was at that moment, that I begin to understand that who I believe I am is of the utmost importance. What others think of me is truly none of my business. When I live life asking my highest self what is mine to do in this moment, and follow that truth. That is the moment that I live a life filled with success, and love.

It can be quite easy to get lost in what society thinks is the best brand of dish detergent, or what is this year's best car. However, the real questions that I ask all of my clients. Who is it that you want to be in the world? What is it that makes you come alive? I often get answers like" I'm not sure." My response" that is the perfect place to begin."

Today spend time finding out what makes you come alive. Do more of that! Who cares what the world thinks of you? Today is the best day of your life, create a world that you would be proud to live in.

Thank you,

I love you,

Rev Allen

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