Saturday, January 23, 2016

We are always creating!

Day 63: Ice 

This is one of my favorite reading within the "Seasons of Change" book. It is the reminder to myself that what I surround myself with is what I hold true for myself. Just like the water within the ocean must separate the salt molecules from the water molecules in order to form ice. So I must gather around me the people, books, and consciousness that allow me to create the life that I desire. 

One of the key elements in this transformation experiment is to release the hidden beliefs that I have allowed to govern and control my life. I will say that I want to change something in my life and will do it for a period of time only to return to the old way of living. Why is that? Most likely it is due to a hidden belief system that I have in place that I have yet to address, or I have stopped the new way of living and started creating something new. 

We are always creating! 

I have shared the amazing success I had with weight loss following the simple steps of nature. I had transformed my physical body in two seasons by releasing over 70 pounds. I wish to share with you today the ease with which that can change back if we do not keep up with the new consciousness. Over the last season, I have lessened my commitment to my daily practice and honoring who I am, and what I consume. As a result I started a new path to an old life. One of the amazing things about doing this work on a daily basis is that it is really easy to do it and it is just as easy not to. Once we have a new state of consciousness it is impossible to go back to an old way of thinking. We may create a path that looks like the old path and yet we can't take it with the same understanding because we have a new consciousness. Even though I have allowed some of my old eating habits back in to comfort me, I could no longer do so with the same naive thinking I had before. I now know my worth so this is a choice that I am choosing to take rather than allowing a hidden belief running my life from the sidelines. 

Fear is an amazing thing. We often fear success more than we do failure. 

Over the last two weeks, I have once again committed to loving myself and being mindful of what I am taking into my body. I am pleased to announce that within those 14 days I have released 5 pounds again. Our hidden beliefs are sometimes multifaceted. For years, I allowed my weight to show up in my life as a truth that I was unlovable and ugly. I know today that I also allowed it to create a safe space for protection. For most of my life, I thought the weight was the issue when it fact it was about self love and knowing that I am safe and the world is here to support me in all that I do. 

What are you willing to release today so that you can have the life that you have dreamed of living?

Thank you, 
I love you, 
Rev Allen

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