Sunday, August 23, 2015

I Have Wings and I Can Fly!

We limit our abilities in everyday life. We believe we are restricted by what others have accomplished. Imagine where we would be today if everyone believed that? Would we have cars to travel, phones that ring, computers that connect us, and health care to keep us thriving? Ford, Bell, Jobs, and Williams had to go within and look for the answer and be prepared to stand there doing their best until it manifest as so. What do you hold within you that will transform your life and the lives of countless generations in the future? Live that life, dreams those dreams, and fly!

Day 22: Caterpillar: If you could transform anything in your life what would it be? In what way is life supporting you to make this change? In what way can you support yourself? Journal about what you can do to best support your own transformation?

I love this reading and I have shared it more than any other reading in the book as I have traveled on tours sharing Seasons of Change. I get excited each time I read it for it reminds me that I have the power within myself to transform anything into what I desire. As I recognise this amazing creative power that I have, and become mindful of what I put into it. I become aware that I have all that I need within to transform my life and fly.

The world around me would have me believe that I am limited and that I am only as good as the things I have or the people that I know. When in fact it is all about where I am holding myself, and how deeply I love who I am. For a great deal of my life I spend more time imitating than I did expression who I truly was. I was the best chameleon there was. What ever you needed me to be that is exactly what I was. The only problem with living that life is that it is impossible to continue living that facade.

Today I know that like the caterpillar I have this amazing transformation power within. At this moment, I am living my life to the fullest taking in all that I can. I take the time to go within and know my truth and follow my heart and live each moment to the fullest. I focus my attention on what I think of myself and release the attachments I have of you or your opinion of me. I express myself with all the fullness that I have. Your opinion of me doesn't matter because it has nothing to do with me or the journey that I am on.

When I am ready to transform any part of my life I have no need to look outside for the answers they are all within me. I sit in quiet meditation and go within until I have all the information I need to begin the transformation process. While in the process I love and nurture myself and allow the transformation to take me where I need to go knowing that I am safe and that all is well. When I am ready and only when I am ready do I emerge with wings that will liberate me from my old consciousness and express myself to the fullest ability that I have at this moment.

I am living a life filled with adventure and I know that I have what it take to thrive in all that I do.

I love you,
Rev Allen

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