Friday, August 14, 2015

Why Am I Doing This?

Why do I need to do this work again? I did it yesterday and nothing happened. Why bother? It is really easy to want the magic pill that will help us lose 40 pounds, change the texture of our hair, or kiss the frog and have the handsome prince to arrive. I look at it like this. I have been looking for that pill, hating who I see in the mirror, and let's just say I have kissed a great many frogs. Only to find myself right where I was before. In doing this process, I have found freedom, joy, and movement like never before. Are there days when I miss? Yes! I don't focus on the day or days lost I just begin again. Life will show up and from time to time I will shift my focus. When I find that is happening, I acknowledge it, release it, and return to the work at hand. Being fully present and moving forward with ease and grace. It is easy to choose to dwell on what I may see as failure, when in fact it was just a detour. I am back on the path now, enjoy the moment. Live in it to the fullest. Grow, transform, and love who you are.  

Day 17: Moss. Where are you in your 90 day commitment? Write down three things you can commit to daily that will grow the transformation you are seeking? What are some of the opportunities that have arisen in your 90 day journey?

I really love this process and how it is working in my life. Having done this process for 3 complete seasons and now in my fourth season I realize that I like nature can indeed transform anything in my life that I wish to. It is a matter of focusing my energy and putting my power in the direction that I wish to go rather than where I have been. It is so easy to constantly look behind at the past and dwell there. That is not the direction that I am going. I wouldn't drive my car looking constantly in the rear view mirrors?

What are three things that I can commit to daily that will grow the transformation that I am seeking?

1) I will commit to doing this work daily. I will do the exercises in the book and I will go within and find the answers that I seek. I will allow this book to take me through a day to day journey to transformation. I will allow the process to help me to keep my focus on where I am going rather than looking at where I am been.

2) I will set aside some time each day just to be quiet. I will find at least 5 minutes each day where I sit quietly and listen. I will allow the chatter in my mind to do what it does, I will acknowledge it, release it, and return to the quiet. I will start where I am and do this practice knowing that it will indeed create a safe space for me to transform my life. I will grow this practice as I feel that I am ready to commit to more time. The key is consistency.

3) I will give gratitude for what I have, and where I am at this now moment on a daily basis. I will be present with the truth that when I find something to be grateful for that is the opening for more joyous, loving, abundance to enter my life. I will release the desire to compare and compete with others and enjoy the uniqueness of who I am. I will be fully present in the day giving thanks as I go along.

What are some of the opportunities that have arisen in your 90 day journey?

It is so easy in the transformational process to do the daily activity as well as not do it. That is the beauty of this process. We are often taught that if we work really hard we will arrive at our destination. Nature however does it growth easy, slowly, lovingly enjoying each moment. Doing the same thing over and over again expressing itself to the fullest at that moment. Nature doesn't compare itself to the flower, tree, moss next to it, it simply lives in the moment to its greatest ability. We as human nature have been taught that pushing our way through, making something happen is the way. When in fact the law of motion states that what I push against will push back with equal or greater force. When I relax, enjoy the moment transformation happens with ease and grace. I am not resisting where I am. Nor am I attached to where I will be tomorrow. Where I am is where I need to be in this process, and as I show up in my magnificence I allow this process to flow with ease. Tomorrow I will enjoy that moment just as I am this one.

Where will you put your focus today?

I love you,
Rev Allen

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