Friday, July 31, 2015

Trust the Process

This morning I got up said thank you, had an amazing breakfast with my beloved, we did our devotional work and then I sit down to do my internal work. I open the Season of Change book go to the next day and read. Today I got up out of my chair when outside and touched the branches of our amazing corkscrew willow and knew at once there is indeed a divine person, and process for all of life. I touched the beaches and knew that just like that are connected to the trunk of the tree, which is connected to the roots of the tree. This is the truth about me as well. I am connected to a greater whole that is working together for my good.  

Day 7: Nature, Go out in nature and touch a tree. Experience how it feels to connect to another living thing.

Here is this perfect example of trust happing all around me everyday and I often miss the miracle of trust. Here nature is firmly rooted in the truth that we are all interconnected and part of the same whole. During the summer months, when it hot and dry it has draws on the trusted relationship that has developed over time and draws on the stored moisture within its root system.

What exactly am I rooted in? Do I have deep and abiding trust like the trees that I will be cared for and that I have everything I need in this now moment? Do I draw on my inner wisdom and hold steadfastly to the truth that I am part of a greater whole and that I am safe?

Doing this journey on a day to day basis has allowed me to take a deep look at this. Doing the work day after day and asking the questions, sitting with them and waiting for the divine answer from within to rise. I have become so accustomed to making things happen, and fulfilling my dreams that I sometimes forget the greater lesson. TRUST the process. At the appointed time the door with open and as I walk through trusting that I am on the appointed path.

Everyday is about trust, can I trust myself, can I trust the divine to show up in a way that I can see, feel, and be aware of? Can I trust that when it feels like everything around me is dried up and weathering that I am indeed safe? Can I in those moments go within and draw from the strength that is within me and trust the process?

I am open, I am receptive, all is well.
I love you,

Rev Allen 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

How Dare You?

What do you mean I can't stop here? I would have you know I have been stopping here for the last 3 years, and another thing what about all those folks that walk in the street rather than use the sidewalk? When the ego believes that it has been wronged, or shamed for that matter it is really easy to move into the fight or flight mode. When we have been activated it is like an accelerant has been added and the process is indeed gained a great deal of speed. What allow us to help our brains return to a place of safety and grace? How do we once again return to our hearts for the answers that will help propel up forward?

Day 6: Lightning and Thunder
Today take a look at those places that cause your pulse to race or that the current situation that frustrates you. Let's find a healthy way to express your feeling. You can go outside and shout it out, get a pillow, put it in your lap and just beat up and down on it until the storm form has passed. Scream into a pillow, break dishes, do whatever you need to do that is healthy for you and your well-being. Let it go! Remember anger happens to everyone. Our goal is to release it in the way least harmful to ourselves and others.

This morning as I was dropping my beloved off at the train I was approached by a security guard. I was reminded that the area where we had stopped, and had been stopping for the last 3 plus years was not a drop off location and that I needed to use the designated area for drop off. My response was thank you.

What I realized in this moment was my ego really wanted to be activated. I wanted to argue and defend my point of view. My greater consciousness reminded me that I could receive this information and move forward. I didn't know there was a drop off location. I had a choice at that moment to take it personally, or take in the information in and move on. As I drove away, I was amused at how my ego really wanted to be activated by this. Which reminds me of our teenage years when everything our parents say we take personally and yell and scream.

At that moment, what was it that trigged my ego to want to take that personally? It was about being wrong. I had failed at something. This lesson has been coming up a great deal over the last few days. It is my divine consciousness allowing me to do my work. I have realized that most of my life I have been driven by perfectionism and that made for my ego being activated a great deal. (here is another hidden belief showing up so that I can release it and move forward in life.)

When we are triggered, hooked, or activated it is really easy to get in the Ferrari of anger and fly down the road as fast as we can. The ego is happy to supply us with all the fuel needed for the journey as well. In that moment, our fight or flight senses has been activated and our brains are telling us to put up our fist and fight or get out of there as quick as possible. How do we remind ourselves to breath and return to our calm and safe space?

That is where the exercises from above can come in really handy. Once you are a safe distance from the trigger scream it out. Give a pillow the one, two punch. Find a way to let it go. I really like to follow that up these exercises with some deep breathing which allows me to give some much needed oxygen to all the places that fear, and anger has closed off. Mostly my heart, in that moment our brain reroutes all the traffic to bypass the heart. Once we can breathe again and open up the detours and flow through the heart, we can again find ourselves living from a more joyous place.

I love you,
Rev Allen

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I am safe, all is well!

Today in the Seasons of Change book we are asked to take a luxurious bath and allow the waters of change to wash away those things that are no longer serving us. It is a reminder that taking time to sit, rest, honor, and love who we are is one of the greatest lessons we can glean from this work. The more we love and honor who we are and the gifts we bring to the world the easier it is to notice them in others. It also allows the brain time to restore itself to calm and understand that it is safe. Once I have allowed myself to "calm down," I can once again enter into dialog with others. One keynote to remember here, when I state to myself that all is well it is a reminder that I am safe, I can relax, and I can once again breathe in love.  

Day 5: Rain, Take a long luxurious bath, or shower. Repeat the mantra " I am willing to release, and let go. All is well"

I really enjoyed todays reading and the exercise. One of my favorite things in life is being in the water. I love taking a bath, being in the pool, or the ocean surrounded by water. It reminds me that a great deal of my body is composed of water just like nature. When I think about it, it makes a great deal of sense. When I make the statement, that the universe is alive and living within us I mean just that. We are made up of the same cosmic elements that were used to create the universe. Which brings into focus the quote "what effects the one affects the whole. "

As human nature I can become ego based and forget my connection to the whole. I can separate myself from others and in doing so begin to build a false belief that I am better/worse than the person or group I am judging. As one of my dear friends say "you cannot separate wet from the water." Which means we are all one. So many times in life I want to take things personally and get all upset over something that someone has said or done. When in fact it is my ego that has taken this personally and moves into the fight or flight mode. One of the best ways I have found to restore myself to my truth is the exercise from today. To allow the waters of change to wash over me and release anything that does not serve me.

While away on a weekend get a way with my beloved our room had a wonderful soaking tub with jets. I spend a great deal of time soaking in luxury, and allow the waters to wash away all the things that were not in alignment with my highest self. I had such a blissfully great time I asked my beloved to take a picture to honor this process. There is something magical about honoring ourselves by soaking in a luxurious bath which reminds us of our worth, our value, and allows us to release those things that no longer serve us.

What are you willing to release today?

I love you,
Rev Allen

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What will you invest in your growth today?

Sunday's talk at Amor Spiritual Center was based on one of my blogs from a week ago. Who do you dare to become? The amazing reading from Sunday morning was about investment. We most often think of money when we think of investing and this reading challenged us to consider meditation, affirmative prayer, and affirmations as an investment in our soul growth. I really loved that concept and that opening has once again allowed me to go deeper and find another hidden belief that I am now willing to release and plant something new. What will you invest in your growth today?

Day 4: Planting, What have you been planting in your garden, and what have you been harvesting? What are you willing to plant today?

My beloved and I is doing an abundance meditation each evening which we have completed before. It is amazing when you do the same work over and over again that you find new and exciting things that you didn't see, or experience before. That is the joy with Seasons of Change. Nature does that everyday and yet we experience the change in seasons with ease. Last evening as we were deep in our meditation a conversation that I had with a dear friend earlier that day was playing through my mind. My friend had asked how Amor our spiritual community was doing? "I stated that it was excellent. Yet not growing as fast as I would like it to."

The Ah-ha moment came next. I was reminded that what ever I put out comes back to me. I was reminded that my life is divinely guided and unfolding in divine order. That when I was ready I could release the need to have us grow at a slower rate and recognize that we are indeed growing at a divine rate that is perfect for us. I realized that I had been limiting our growth with my limited thinking. Wow!

There are many times when we are unaware of what we are planting in our gardens. We miss the hidden belief and it continues to produce fruit based on the seed of the belief. Which is most often based on fear, lack, and limitation. I at once recognize the limits I had been placing on this amazing community and shifted my perspective. I had found another hidden belief that was no longer severing me or the greater good and I thanked it, released in, and in it place planted this seed of love.

"I am aware that my life is thriving! I release any need to hold myself back. I focus my heart, and head on the truth that I am fulfilled and abundant now. Everything is in divine order and unfolding perfectly."

Within that moment I felt a release, a letting go of the old hidden belief and a renewed sense of knowing that my life is indeed thriving, and that everything is unfolding perfectly. I felt such freedom, such inner peace, and at that moment I realized that I was creating a new garden filled with growth, love, and divine unfolding.

I love you,
Rev Allen

Sunday, July 26, 2015

What seed would you be?

Each day I wake up I give thanks and gratitude for being who I am in the world. I think we have been taught that self love, and self celebration is egotistical, and selfish. In fact, it is the foundation for loving others in the world. I love that the deeper that I love and approve of myself, the deeper it allows me to be the container for love in the world. I am grateful that all of my life has brought me to this place, this time, when I can see the interconnectedness of everything. I see how I am connected to nature. I am connected to everyone and everything. How can I then have anything but love and compassion for the world? Somewhere deep within I know that what you are going through at this moment has an effect on the whole of existence. Compassion and love is the answer that is needed in the world today.  

Day 3: Seed, If you could be any seed you wanted, what seed would you be? Why?

I sit quietly. I go within, and I ask the question what seed would I be? The most amazing answer arises from within. I would be the seed of compassion and love. I would send our roots so deep they could weather the test of time, and the winds of change. I would reach for the heavens with the knowledge that heaven is found within. Heaven is found in loving others where they are in this now moment. Heaven is in the moments that take my breath away, and the moments when you see someone you love being the expression of love you have always known them to be. Yes, I would choose to be the seed of love and compassion.

I love the idea of being a source of love for all in the world. Being open and giving for everyone to take what they need, while all the time replenishing myself and anchoring myself in love. I love the concept of being a safe space for others that allow them to release and let go of anything that everything that has been weighting them down. All the fears, resentments, and bitterness that hold them small and insignificant when in fact they are brilliant expressions of love. I love the thought of having forest all filled with love trees of love and compassion sending out love everyday. Oh wait, we do.

Why would I want to be the seeds of love and compassion? It is who I come here to be! I live to be of service to the greater good. The safe space that allows others to find love and compassion within themselves. I am the unlimited potential of love and compassion in the world. I AM Love!

What seed would you be?

I love you,
Rev Allen

Saturday, July 25, 2015

How will you honor yourself today?

Balance, that word has been showing up in my life over and over again.  Through my work with Seasons of Change I have been able to dive in and find out exactly what that means to me and in the process find a different perspective for living.  Each of us as we go within and find out what we need to thrive and honor that it allows us to show up in the world as who we are.  It is so easy in todays world to be over stimulated and find ourselves out of balance with ourselves and others.  What are some simple ways to find our way back to peace within?  When we listen to the divine knowing that we hold within we will find that we do indeed know how to love ourselves the real question is will we take the time?  

Day 2: The Great Outdoors What did you experience when you did something different?

I love this exercise! Yesterday I had an appointment with a balance specialist. It was an amazing experience. I learned a great deal about self care and the importance's of loving and honoring self. Yes, I did know this at my core and I really appreciate the new things that I learned in this shift in perspective. During my visit I got the chance to sit, stand, look up, look down, turn from side to side, and be in total darkness. I can't wait to share this information with the next Seasons of Change class.

The greatest gift that I received yesterday was the knowingness that the path that I have found while doing this work with Seasons of Change is indeed a Divine plan. I knew this at my core and yet hearing that truth being spoken to me was indeed very comforting. 28 years ago, I stopped drinking caffeine. If I have tea today, it is caffeine free and it is something that I rarely do. I drink massive amounts of water. It is something that my internal knowingness let me know was best for me. Yesterday I learned that being well hydrated and releasing caffeine really helps the brain to balance with greater ease.

I also learned that our brains, or minds when it feels stressed or out of balance can put it in a fight or flight state of being. It is important to get rest, eat healthy foods, and stay well hydrated. The more the balance specialist told me the more I love this path that I am on. Why? Through doing my daily work in Seasons of Change, I knew that my body was not in balance and that I was carrying around a heavy burden on my body in the form of excess weight. In doing this work, I was able to release the excess weight which has been a gift to my body, mind, and soul. In the process, I had reduced medications or eliminated them which allow my brain to return to balance. Mediation and the walks that I am taking are keys to allow the mind to balance and live in a state of calm. All of these things I have known from going within for the answer to what I needed to do next in my life.

Each of us is governed in a different way. My beloved functions on 5 to 6 hours of sleep each night. In order for me to balance my body and mind I need at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Each of us is responsible for finding the path that is right for us. Each of us is responsible for loving ourselves and honoring who we are. As we find this balance and honor that, love ourselves, and listen for the internal knowingness that is always guiding us we find the present moment to indeed be a gift.

How will you honor yourself today?

I love you,
Rev Allen

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Who do you dare to become?

Here we are at day one in the Seasons of Change book and the question being asked, who do we dare to become? What is it that you are willing to give birth to in this time of your life? What are you willing to plant in the fertile soil of life knowing that it is going to come forth as a manifest desire? My beloved and I am once again doing the 40 day abundance journey that we have taken many times before. I keep finding new passages and phrase that I had overlooked the last 2 times I read it. The same is true with the Seasons of Change book. I am pleased to say that I am now entering my fourth season with this amazing book and I am so excited to see what I discover about myself in this season of my life. The line in the abundance book that stuck out to me the other evening was "It is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires." What this really tells me today is that the fertile soil of the Divine is always saying yes to what I plant in it. The real question is am I willing to release it and allow it to be manifest?

Day 1: Birth, Welcome to a new season of change. Who do you dare to become?

Yesterday I took the day off to rest, go within, and look at what I wanted to create this season of my life. Here we are at day one again and we start at birth. The amazing thing about today is that I received the news that my beautiful niece, and nephew is having their first baby at this moment. Here is this idea that was first a thought in their mind and then 9 months later is expressing itself in the world as the perfect expression of love.

I love that this miracle of life started out as a seed. A human seed, and yet here it is ready to break through the fertile soil and seek the light of day. Take a moment and think about the similarities that we have with nature. We plant a seed in the fertile soil, and it rests in darkness and warmth until it is ready to open from the inside and emerge as the brilliance that it holds within. As human seed we are planted in the fertile soil of our mothers and we rest in darkness and warmth until we are ready to open and emerge as the brilliance that we are.

The same is true of our ideas, our dreams, our intentions. What are we ready to birth in this new season, what are we ready to take on in our lives knowing that we will forever be transformed by this experience. What are we willing to do for the next 90 days that will allow up to open ourselves up from the inside and emerge as who we are?

I am daring to be an even greater teacher, mentor, coach than I have been. This requires that I continue to do my internal work on a daily basis and be open to the doors that are opened to me. I am willing to speak, and teach where there is an opening. I am willing to travel, and go where I am needed. I am willing to take risk, and be vulnerable with life. I am ready to be the expression of love that I come here to be.

I love you,
Rev Allen

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Who Says Dreams Don't Dome True?

Who Says Dreams Don't Dome True? Today while doing my daily work within the Seasons of Change book I made a most wonderful discovery. I am indeed carrying out my dreams. What I love most is that I am amazed and I am not even half way through. Today I am more alive that I have ever been in my life. The path that I am on is more abundant, and fulfilling than I had dreamed possible as a child. It is producing better results than I could have conceived as a young boy. Take the time today and dream, create, and love the life that you are creating. You have the power!

Day 90: The Universe, Today journal about five things that you dreamed about as a child, the super powers that you possessed, the places you would travel, and the things you would do.

I speak a great deal about the power within the universe, and today I know that I have that same power within me. We are in fact made up of the same divine DNA. What is true of the universe is true for me. Today I know that I am expanding, evolving, and growing each and everyday as is the universe. That means that I have within myself that which is needed to transform an appearance in my life into anything that I desire.

As a child I knew this truth and would go about creating universes, galaxies, and a space for love. One of the things I dreamed about as a child was creating a safe space for all. I created a space that was free from fear, judgement, and we all loved from our hearts open and receptive to the paths of others. I created a space that would be open, loving, and receptive to any and all who entered. This space would show the world that love, and compassion for others is indeed possible and works.

I dreamed that one day I would be able to marry the person of my choosing. That outside of what my family may think that one day I would hold the hand of my beloved and journey through life as a happy husband.

I dreamed that I would be able to help others create the lives that wanted. Where others would come to me and find a safe space within themselves and that space would allow them to follow and fulfill their dreams.

I dreamed of traveling to far off places, and seeing things I had never seen before. I dreamed of visiting the Eiffel Tower, walking in other countries, and meeting friends in everyplace that I visited. I dreamed of having a rainbow of friends and seeing them all as love, and multicolored lights rather than gender and race.

I dreamed of being a powerful public speaker and singer who would travel the world sharing love, and inspiriting others to live the lives they had dreamed of. I dreamed of making a difference in the world.

I am so grateful for this exercise today!

Today I know that I am now living out my dreams that I held as a young boy. I am loving and creating change in the world. I am teaching, singing, and loving others where ever I go. I am being the change I wish to see in the world. I am LOVE!

I love you,
Rev Allen

Sunday, July 19, 2015

How will you Illuminate your life today?

Making small changes and doing them over and over again is the foundation of how nature works. It is how we arrive at a new season, how we transform from one expression of life to another. It is the building blocks that easy to use, and yet we often choose another path. I continue to do this work on a daily basis because it works.  

Day 89: Fireflies, What are you doing today to illuminate your life? How are you sharing your light with others?

What am I doing today to illuminate my life? I started my day with gratitude. When I wake up each morning before I open my eyes I pause to give thanks. Thank you eyes, thank you bed, thank you air conditioner, thank you to the floor, and the list goes on. When I am complete with my thank you's I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and say good morning to myself and as I am looking into my eyes I say I love myself. I come down the stairs and turn on the jazz music and make a healthy breakfast for my beloved and me. At breakfast my beloved and I do our daily devotions and we give thanks for our breakfast.

Creating this habit and doing it for 21 days was one of the greatest gifts that I have gifted myself. Bringing this habit into my consciousness by repeating it for 40 days has proven to illuminate my life in ways that feel unbelievable at times. However, today I am aware that it is true and it has been created out of a daily habit that I have honored over and over again. When I talk to clients about making small changes in their lives that will add up to the life they want to live. It is activities such as this that I am speaking of. To start my day with gratitude is setting my intention to look for the good in the day. Wow, what a transformation that has been. I could just as easily got up and brought yesterdays baggage into today. Why would I ever choose to do that?

How am I sharing my light with others? I love this question. I share my light where ever I am. This past week I had the honor of standing in the greatness of two amazing women, and allowing them the safe space to dream. I love holding consciousness for others. I love sharing my work Seasons of Change, Love 101, and Spiritual Partnership with the greater community. Yesterday I had the honor to participate in an amazing Reiki Circle sharing healing love with the greater community. This week had the pleasure of delivering two prays well with others t-shirts to new friends that we met at an interfaith service two weeks ago. I love being love.

Love is indeed the absence of fear. Today I know that living in love, doing all that I can to express love at each moment of my life creates a garden filled with love. If I discover any unwanted plants of fear within my garden, I simple bless them, release them, and return them to be recycled into love.

I love you,

Rev Allen 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

As Within, So Without!

How is it possible that what is going on within me is effecting the world around me? How is it that when I do my internal work that my world and the world around me are changed? It is the law of nature. What we see in nature is all contained within the seed. The root system of a tree is deep so that it can support that which is above the soil. Nature understands at its core that the truth that we seek is found within. 

Day 88: Grand Canyon, What creative power do you recognize yourself to possess that has the ability to create a world of peace, love, and joy?

I am aware today that I hold within me the same creative power that nature does. I know that when I focus my energy, and do the same thing over and over again that it does indeed show us as that which I have been asking for. I know today that anything that is not manifesting as I have intended, that the answer as to why will be found within me. I know that as I clear the path in my own consciousness that I am creating a change in the universe around me. As my thoughts, deeds, and actions change and I do my work, and allow others to do theirs we are indeed transforming the world through love.

This week I have had a challenge with something that I had heard someone that I love said. l allowed this to question my beliefs, and my role in it. As I sat with this statement and looked at it from different perspectives, I began to realize that being a safe space means that I will from time to time hear, feel, and see things that trigger, or hook me. I know and understand that we learn through contrast, or friction. Once again I sat with this statement, and ask my higher knowingness if this were my truth? What I realized is that though I knew this was not my truth, I did have feelings of guilt and shame around it. The hook that caught me and had me in such deep resistance was guilt and shame. The answer itself was not is blaming another, or being hurt, sad, or bitter. It was found by going within and looking at the places within where I could release fear, shame, and guilt.

As I transform my life within it begins to show up in my outer world. I remember a friend who had noticed a great deal of chatter in their outer world. Bitterness, yelling, conversation that were less than loving and they asked me why I thought that was? It is in those moments that I know to go within to ask for higher guidance. I first asked for clarity on what I was being asked. Then I asked what the internal dialog that my friend was having within themselves. The more we shared and talked about it the more clearly the pattern emerged, and my friend was able to find the answer within. My listening to my higher knowingness, and creating a safe space was all that was needed.

Today I know that what appears in my outer world is a direct reflection of what is going on within. I can resist, postpone, and blame as much as I like and at the end of the day the work to be done is mine. How you may ask is this possible with all the negative and fear based actions in the world. How can I think that doing my internal work will transform that? To which I respond that is indeed the only way to transform that. I can only see in the outer world what I hold within. If I am experiencing fear, then I hold that within myself. Ego would have me believe that if I remove you, or eliminate you from my life that this fear will go away. When in fact someone else will show up to fill that void until I choose to do my work.

Ask me how I know?

I live this lesson in my everyday life, and as Pema Chodron states "Noting ever goes away until we have learned the lesson."
I love you,

Rev Allen 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Amor Spiritual Center: Your True Colors Are Beautiful!

Amor Spiritual Center: Your True Colors Are Beautiful!: Why do we take things personally? Usually there is some part of what is being said that we hold true within our consciousness. Guilt l...

Your True Colors Are Beautiful!

Why do we take things personally? Usually there is some part of what is being said that we hold true within our consciousness. Guilt like bamboo can weaves it roots deep within, and releasing that guilt can be quite the process. I would love to think that at this stage in my journey that I would be free of taking this personally. (That makes me laugh even reading it!) Of course, we are going to take things personally. The question is do we live there or do we once again open our hearts to love. In learning to shine, and embrace who we are. We will indeed find something along the way that we might not like. The only way to clear the path for love is through self discovery, self acceptance, and self love. Compassion is a really great gift to give ourselves when we are lifting the rugs of life to see what is under there. Be gentle, be kind, be compassionate, and do your work. The world needs you to show your true color. You are beautiful, like a rainbow.  

Day 87: Aurora Borealis, Today what part of yourself can you embrace and utilize to its greatest expression? In what five ways do you shine like the Aurora Borealis?

What part of myself can I embrace and utilize to its greatest expression? I sat this morning and ask my inner knowingness this question. The answer that I received was very clear, my heart. I feel that I do an amazing job loving myself and loving others. What I find the deeper I go into this journey is there are deeper and deeper levels of knowledge that I have yet to remember. I know that love is the key to open all doors, and that love of myself and the path I am on is the key to self fulfillment. I know that the more I become aware, love, and honor who I am and the gifts I bring to the world the more open I am to honor the gifts of others.

I am aware today that in order to appreciate something I see in someone else that it has to be within me. I am also aware that when I want to move into judgment around something that someone is doing it is a clear sign that I hold a version of that for myself. The reason I see it in others is that is aligns with something within me. I don't want to see it that way. I want it to be your fault, and hold you responsible. Once you are fixed, life will be great. The truth is that no one is broken, and no one needs to be fixed. When we activate our hearts and create a safe space for others to share, and we don't take things personally. We create a space for change. Change usually comes about through contrast, or friction.

How do I activate my heart more deeply? How do I embrace my heart and utilize it greatest expression? The answer for me is to allow my heart to become vulnerable, open, and compassionate. I heard a statement the other day that said if we walked around vulnerable we wouldn't make it to the corner store. What I know to be true for myself today is this. When I listen to the divine intelligence within, honor my heart, and walk through life with my heart open to love. That is exactly what I find. My work here in this physical form is to release any part of my consciousness that isn't love. That means I have to look at myself, my beliefs, and my actions to see where they are grounded. In doing this I free everyone else up to do the same.

In what five ways do I shine like the Aurora Borealis?

1) I express my true colors, my true self everyday to the best of my ability.
2) I see beauty in all things regardless of shape, size, color, or understanding.
3) I live fully in the now moment. I do not dim my light.
4) I know that what I have within is the same as everyone else. They can choose to shine in a way that serves them.
5) I dance well with others.

Have an amazing day and show your true colors.

I love you!

Rev Allen 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Power Within!

Where do I hold myself and those I love on a moment to moment basis? How loving, and compassionate am I with myself and those that I love? How willing am I to take the time needed to transform my inner world knowing that my outer world is a reflection of what I hold within? I hold the power within to transform anything I want. However, just like to the caterpillar resist the transformation into a butterfly we as human nature resists the power we hold within.  

Day 86: Bees, Go out today and be amazing. Share your magnificent nectar with the world, smile at everyone you meet, open doors for strangers, or give money to your favorite charity.

Go out and be amazing! Last evening while my beloved and I were sharing in our abundance meditation this amazing phrase appeared in my consciousness. "What I hold on the inside much show up on the outside!" As I allowed that to sink into my being I realized this amazing truth. My outer world is a reflection of what is going on in my inner world. Stop for a minute and think about that. Look at what is going on in your outer world. Look at it with compassion and know that it is here to help you evolve and grow.  

Now, what would you like to transform in your outer world? It must first transform within. Where are you holding yourself, your finances, your health? Where are you holding those you love? Where are you holding yourself back from being magnificent? Where are you playing less than full out? What our outer world is really showing us is where to focus our energy. When I know my truth, my worth, and my value everyone that surrounds me will align with it or move on. It really is that simple. It is our actions that causes lack, limitation, and unfulfilled desires to stay around because we are putting all of our focus on that rather than what we want.

The other day when I was on a walk I greeted everyone with a smile, a nod, and a namaste`. I was overwhelmed with the response, love, and kindness that I had returned to me. The truth I know today is that I was at peace. I was at namaste` within myself so the outer world had to manifest the same. The knowingness that bees have within themselves is they know their greatness, their worth, and their value. I am filled with gratitude for the amazing presence that bees bring to the world.

Enjoy your day and shine from the inside out!

I love you!

Rev Allen 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Love is a Super Power!

 What is your super hero strength?


I love to think that we are all super hero's and that we all have within us the power to transform our lives. When I think about all the ways that love has allowed me to heal the parts of myself that I thought at one time were unable to be healed. I am indeed amazed at just how powerful love is. I posted a quote on Facebook the other day.

"Life sends us messages all the time and when we don't hear the message we get a lesson.
If we don't learn the lesson, we then get a problem.
And if we don't handle the problem, we get a full-blown crisis.
Get the message!"

Love is able to find a way to heal any situation. Oh, there are times it takes a while. Yet I know that just like the dance that water had with the grand cannon it will indeed happen. When I am finding myself with a tightness in my chest that is a clear message that I taking a path that will lead me down a road that is a dead end street. Once I close my heart there is little chance for my letting anything in or out. Love, however like water is very persistent. It takes it time and it doesn't get frustrated with the resistance that we put up because in the end it knows a truth that you will open and love with do what love always does. Flow!

We often hear that hate is the enemy or opposite of love, when in fact it is fear. Just like when I stand at the edge of the cliff looking over the edge my body tightens up and my legs freeze. Everything within me is telling me to close down and run for safety. That is exactly what fear does. There are also times in our lives when the ego tells us we are in danger when in fact we are just being vulnerable. What is the difference you might ask?
Vulnerable is going to the cliffs edge and seeing the beauty you would have missed if you were unwilling to go all the way. Vulnerable is opening your heart again after you have been hurt. Vulnerable is loving when everything else in the world is choosing to close down. Fear is when we shut down in an attempt to free ourselves from pain. The question to ask yourself is has that ever really worked?

Go on! Take the first step into your new life. Who knows you just may find that you can fly?

I love you,

Rev Allen 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I am loving myself from the inside out.

I love to look at an abalone shell I love the rough exterior, and the silky smooth inner shell. It reminds me to look within to find all the answers I need in life. When life events hit the exterior, it can find a rough edge to grip and hold on. When I take that lesson within it is easy to release it as I recognize that it is not a part of who I am. When we allow our emotions to sit on our sleeve, rather than taking them inside and asking, is this my truth? Loving ourselves is a full-time job, but well worth the investment

Day 84: Shells, Today find another five characteristics or qualities that you like about yourself without repeating any of the ones from yesterday.

What are five qualities that I hold within?
1) Slow to judgement, when you have lived a full life like I have it is best not to think in terms of judgement. It is my belief that we need each experience in our lives to prepare us for the next level. When I hear today it is my intention to love myself and others where they are.

2) I am a safe space. What you share with me stays with me. So many times folks will ask my beloved you know where Rev Allen and I talked about the other day. To which my beloved responds no. I don't he doesn't share that information with me. Letting go of the need to gossip has been one of the greatest life lessons on my journey.

3) I see things as good always. I released the need to see good/bad, right/wrong, in my journey with cancer. It is so easy to put the focus outside rather than to look inside. What I am looking for will not be found on the outside. The answers I seek are all found within.

4) I am joyous. I love that I am a space for joy to express itself. I get calls from clients all the time asking me to help them find the joy in a situation. I love that. I love to sit with others and get a new perspective on life and hold the safe space for them to do the same. That is one of the many reasons it is importing to do the hand test often. Look at the five folks, you spend the most time with. Are they living lives you want to live, and are they a safe space for you?

5) I am a great hugger. I give great hugs. For many years, in my life I allowed what someone else said to me impact the way I love others. Hear me when I say that I allowed that. I built a belief around someone else's opinion of me. In doing my work over the last decade, I uncovered this hidden belief and released it. Today I open my arm and ask other, shall we embrace? If the answer is no, I close my arms around myself and hug myself. If the answer is yes, I give one of the best hugs ever.

I love this exercise as it causes me to go within and look at the qualities that I hold within. It also causes me to look for any hidden beliefs that might be hiding out cause mayhem.

I love you,

Rev Allen