Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Love is a Super Power!

 What is your super hero strength?


I love to think that we are all super hero's and that we all have within us the power to transform our lives. When I think about all the ways that love has allowed me to heal the parts of myself that I thought at one time were unable to be healed. I am indeed amazed at just how powerful love is. I posted a quote on Facebook the other day.

"Life sends us messages all the time and when we don't hear the message we get a lesson.
If we don't learn the lesson, we then get a problem.
And if we don't handle the problem, we get a full-blown crisis.
Get the message!"

Love is able to find a way to heal any situation. Oh, there are times it takes a while. Yet I know that just like the dance that water had with the grand cannon it will indeed happen. When I am finding myself with a tightness in my chest that is a clear message that I taking a path that will lead me down a road that is a dead end street. Once I close my heart there is little chance for my letting anything in or out. Love, however like water is very persistent. It takes it time and it doesn't get frustrated with the resistance that we put up because in the end it knows a truth that you will open and love with do what love always does. Flow!

We often hear that hate is the enemy or opposite of love, when in fact it is fear. Just like when I stand at the edge of the cliff looking over the edge my body tightens up and my legs freeze. Everything within me is telling me to close down and run for safety. That is exactly what fear does. There are also times in our lives when the ego tells us we are in danger when in fact we are just being vulnerable. What is the difference you might ask?
Vulnerable is going to the cliffs edge and seeing the beauty you would have missed if you were unwilling to go all the way. Vulnerable is opening your heart again after you have been hurt. Vulnerable is loving when everything else in the world is choosing to close down. Fear is when we shut down in an attempt to free ourselves from pain. The question to ask yourself is has that ever really worked?

Go on! Take the first step into your new life. Who knows you just may find that you can fly?

I love you,

Rev Allen 

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