Thursday, July 30, 2015

How Dare You?

What do you mean I can't stop here? I would have you know I have been stopping here for the last 3 years, and another thing what about all those folks that walk in the street rather than use the sidewalk? When the ego believes that it has been wronged, or shamed for that matter it is really easy to move into the fight or flight mode. When we have been activated it is like an accelerant has been added and the process is indeed gained a great deal of speed. What allow us to help our brains return to a place of safety and grace? How do we once again return to our hearts for the answers that will help propel up forward?

Day 6: Lightning and Thunder
Today take a look at those places that cause your pulse to race or that the current situation that frustrates you. Let's find a healthy way to express your feeling. You can go outside and shout it out, get a pillow, put it in your lap and just beat up and down on it until the storm form has passed. Scream into a pillow, break dishes, do whatever you need to do that is healthy for you and your well-being. Let it go! Remember anger happens to everyone. Our goal is to release it in the way least harmful to ourselves and others.

This morning as I was dropping my beloved off at the train I was approached by a security guard. I was reminded that the area where we had stopped, and had been stopping for the last 3 plus years was not a drop off location and that I needed to use the designated area for drop off. My response was thank you.

What I realized in this moment was my ego really wanted to be activated. I wanted to argue and defend my point of view. My greater consciousness reminded me that I could receive this information and move forward. I didn't know there was a drop off location. I had a choice at that moment to take it personally, or take in the information in and move on. As I drove away, I was amused at how my ego really wanted to be activated by this. Which reminds me of our teenage years when everything our parents say we take personally and yell and scream.

At that moment, what was it that trigged my ego to want to take that personally? It was about being wrong. I had failed at something. This lesson has been coming up a great deal over the last few days. It is my divine consciousness allowing me to do my work. I have realized that most of my life I have been driven by perfectionism and that made for my ego being activated a great deal. (here is another hidden belief showing up so that I can release it and move forward in life.)

When we are triggered, hooked, or activated it is really easy to get in the Ferrari of anger and fly down the road as fast as we can. The ego is happy to supply us with all the fuel needed for the journey as well. In that moment, our fight or flight senses has been activated and our brains are telling us to put up our fist and fight or get out of there as quick as possible. How do we remind ourselves to breath and return to our calm and safe space?

That is where the exercises from above can come in really handy. Once you are a safe distance from the trigger scream it out. Give a pillow the one, two punch. Find a way to let it go. I really like to follow that up these exercises with some deep breathing which allows me to give some much needed oxygen to all the places that fear, and anger has closed off. Mostly my heart, in that moment our brain reroutes all the traffic to bypass the heart. Once we can breathe again and open up the detours and flow through the heart, we can again find ourselves living from a more joyous place.

I love you,
Rev Allen

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